Monday, April 21, 2008

Week #7

This week we discussed Academic Software. With this, we had our ATC midterm. This text took a lot longer for me than I thought it would. I did not think that I would do poorly but I definitely did not thing that I received above a ninety percent, but I will see next week when we get the results back. There seems to be more and more work in this class each week and it is really having a huge impact on my Sunday evenings. Overall this class seems to get more and more beneficial each week. I seem to be learning so much material that I could someday use in a classroom. This week we discussed how to get started on labs number seven and eight. These labs deal with photo editing. This seems to be something that I am very interested in. I have never used these types of programs before and am very interested in learning about them. I am currently not sure how this will fit into my future classroom, but I will see after I finish.

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