Monday, April 21, 2008

Week #4

This week, we learned about computers in the learning environment. It was really interesting because in class, we went around and discussed the number of computers and computer labs that we had in our high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. Some people in the class had a large number of computers for a small number of students. At my high school, each classroom had at least five computers in the room and then there were eight computer labs with about thirty computers each in them. In the computer labs, teachers are able to rent them out for a period of time. This concept works relatively well in my high school of eight hundred students. But for a larger school, this might not work so well. There are many schools that had computers in every classroom. But this is very expensive for those school districts. Overall, learning about this was very helpful because I am going to need to know what types of computers certain schools will be able to buy and the realistic amount of individuals that will be able to use computers in classrooms.

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