Monday, April 21, 2008

Week #10

We continued the same lesson as last week in class this week. We started to discuss Universal Design. I’m not really sure what this whole concept is quite yet, but I’m sure I’ll get the hang out it eventually. We had to start posting our weekly reflections in our blogs/wiki’s. I do not understand how to do these at all. I am really bad at it but I am sure that I will improve since the lessons in these are very long. I am extremely overwhelmed with how much work this class has each week, but it’s starting to get better. However, I think that I should have waited to take this class until next semester because of the huge workloads that I have in all of my other classes. The blogs/wiki’s are very confusing now. My teacher was explaining that he uses one of these programs in his sixth grade classroom and it works very well for him. Someday, I hope to learn more about these and be able to use them in my classroom as well.

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