Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lab #13

Overall, I believe this class has been very helpful. I have learned a lot of information that I will need to know in the future for teaching. There are still a lot of areas where I need a little help in. I have trouble with differentiating the types of technology that is appropriate to use in certain situations. I believe that I can get a lot of help with this in my higher level educational technology courses. Another thing that I believe I will struggle with is planning to use technology when making my lesson plans. I am not good at planning ahead right now, but I will have to get a lot better when I start teaching. Currently, I do not use research databases that often so I need to understand those better so that I can teach my students how to use them and incorporate them into my lessons. Another thing that I need some instruction in is how to discuss technology based evaluations. The last thing that I need to understand a little better is acceptable use policies that schools have. I understand that all schools are different, so I might just need to brush up on these before I start my teaching. Although I have mentioned a lot of negative aspects that I have not perfected quite yet, I also have much strength that I have learned because of EDTL 230. I am quite confident that I am able to select the software that is available for kindergarten to twelfth graders. I can also develop a portfolio and apply online resources to support problem solving and related decision making for maximizing student learning. I have really learned a lot in this course. The things that I am not so good at, I would really like to strive to gain knowledge of how to be proficient on these topics. I would also like to practice using all of the skills that I have learned so that I do not forget them and am able to use them in my future classroom.

Profile Statements Low/Medium/High Learned
1. Identify the benefits of technology to maximize student learning and facilitate higher order thinking skills. (I, III) Medium X
2. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate uses of technology for teaching and learning while using electronic resources to design and implement learning activities. (II, III, V, VI) Low X
3. Identify technology resources available in schools and analyze how accessibility to those resources affects planning for instruction. (I, II) Medium X
4. Identify, select, and use hardware and software technology resources specially designed for use by PK–12 students to meet specific teaching and learning objectives. (I, II) High X
5. Plan for the management of electronic instructional resources within a lesson design by identifying potential problems and planning for solutions. (II) Low X
6. Identify specific technology applications and resources that maximize student learning, address learner needs, and affirm diversity. (III, VI) Medium X
7. Design and teach technology-enriched learning activities that connect content standards with student technology standards and meet the diverse needs of students. (II, III, IV, VI) Medium X
8. Design and peer teach a lesson that meets content area standards and reflects the current best practices in teaching and learning with technology. (II, III) High X
9. Plan and teach student-centered learning activities and lessons in which students apply technology tools and resources. (II, III) Low X
10. Research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information resources to be used by students. (II, IV, V, VI) Low X
11. Discuss technology-based assessment and evaluation strategies. (IV) Low X
12. Examine multiple strategies for evaluating technology based student products and the processes used to create those products. (IV) High X
13. Examine technology tools used to collect, analyze, interpret, represent, and communicate student performance data. (I, IV) Medium X
14. Integrate technology-based assessment strategies and tools into plans for evaluating specific learning activities. (IV) Low X
15. Develop a portfolio of technology-based products from coursework, including the related assessment tools. (IV, V) High X
16. Identify and engage in technology-based opportunities for professional education and lifelong learning, including the use of distance education. (V) High X
17. Apply online and other technology resources to support problem solving and related decision making for maximizing student learning. (III, V) Medium X
18. Participate in online professional collaborations with peers and experts. (III, V) High X
19. Use technology productivity tools to complete required professional tasks. (V) High X
20. Identify technology-related legal and ethical issues, including copyright, privacy, and security of technology systems, data, and information. (VI) Medium X
21. Examine acceptable use policies for the use of technology in schools, including strategies for addressing threats to security of technology systems, data, and information. (VI) Low X
22. Identify issues related to equitable access to technology in school, community, and home environments. (VI) High X
23. Identify safety and health issues related to technology use in schools. (VI) Low X
24. Identify and use assistive technologies to meet the special physical needs of students. (VI) Medium X

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